Artist Feature: Zak Korvin

Artist Feature: Zak Korvin

Posted by Nicole Lennox on

Meet Zak Korvin, the artist behind our Earth Rest design. Zak is an English artist creating art filled with sacred geometry to raise human consciousness and explore the realms that can only be seen by those who seek.

What makes Zak’s work special is the fact that every piece of art is carefully constructed by hand, using only a straight-edge and a compass. Taking extra care to create symmetry by hand, Zak is able to inject life and soul into a pattern that would otherwise look flat and dull if created digitally.

We connected with Zak to talk about his artistic journey, inspirations, motivations and more. Here’s what he had to say:

When and where did your artistic journey begin?

I’ve always had a pen in my hand since I can remember and when I was growing up my dad owned a small art gallery so I was always around art. It wasn’t until 2014 though that I developed my ornamental, geometric style. I unearthed an obsessive fascination with mandalas and sacred geometry at a 30 day ayahuasca retreat in the Peruvian Amazon. That retreat made me realise it was time to follow the path I was destined to be on and focus on creating a life for myself around my passions.

What kind of art are you currently working on?

My favourite things to paint right now are massive dotwork mandala murals filled with sacred geometry and lately I’ve been really getting into drawing ornate celestial charts. I also spend a lot of time studying sacred geometry and sharing what I learn on my YouTube channel.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I’m really interested in gothic and eastern architecture, the patterns they used back then all come from sacred geometry but sometimes you have to dig deep to find the structure of the design. It’s pretty fun dissecting old patterns.

Who do you look up to in your industry?

I love Orge Kalodimas’ tattoo work, he’s actually the first one that showed me what could be done with a mandala. Insa is my favourite muralist. Those are the main two that pop into my head, what I love about Orge and Insa, besides their art, is their drive and their passion for what they do.

What training/certifications do you have?

No art training. I am, however, a Guild Commended Framer and a licensed croupier.

How did you hear about Yoloha Yoga and why do you identify with us?

I actually heard about Yoloha from one of my art collectors and immediately thought they were good vibes. I think it’s so important to be conscious of the environment and do what’s best for the planet over profit. Yoloha is excelling at that.

What motivated you to create the Earth Rest design for Yoloha?

I designed Earth Rest at the weirdest point in modern history, it was the week that we went into lockdown because of COVID. I watched from my living room how the traffic disappeared and the air pollution started to clear and at the time I thought this is actually great for the Earth! 

Meditation is something I’ve been practicing for the last fifteen years. I thought it would be pretty powerful to create a Flower of Life contained in a circle to sit inside of in the center of the mat, to direct energy and go deep. It works for me!

What role does yoga play in your life?

Yoga and my art journey go hand in hand. It was at the same ayahuasca retreat that I attended my first yoga class and found out what I’d been missing. I’m a skateboarder, but when I moved to the middle of nowhere in Peru five years ago I couldn’t skate anymore which was pretty depressing, yoga filled the void. I like the fact it allows me to go deep inside my mind, spiritually and visually. So many ideas come to me when I’m doing yoga. 

What is a mantra that you live by?

I have it tattooed on my arm… “Fuck it.” I learnt it from Ice-T. It’s kind of like Richard Branson’s “Screw it, let’s do it.” Basically just go for it, take the risk. I used to struggle with crippling anxiety that held me back, but at the same time I have always craved adventure and new experiences. The one thing that changes my mental attitude immediately and gets me out of my comfort zone is saying to myself fuck it!

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