Ambassador Feature: Jennifer Mitchell

Ambassador Feature: Jennifer Mitchell

Posted by Nicole Lennox on

Meet Yoloha Ambassador, Jennifer Mitchell.

Jennifer Hess Mitchell is a yoga teacher, Certified International Yoga Therapist and faculty member with Phoenix Rising. She lives with her 2 children, husband of 15  years, fur baby, 7 chickens and 2 ducks on Johns Island in South Carolina. She previously owned yoga studios in three different states for a decade and has returned to her roots in mental health and therapy over the last several years. Jennifer also finds fun and connection in being a wine consultant with Scout & Cellar – an organic, clean crafted wine company. Boating, biking, being in nature and yoga are top on the list of activities currently, but she’s up for anything. Being authentic and connecting with others is her motto. She leads fundraising events, volunteers at her kids school, works in mental health and facilitates trainings that help people find the deepest essence of themselves. Jennifer loves to support local business, music, art and sustainable means for living. She’s a passionate, strong & loveable being driven by good people, doing the right thing and connecting to her heart.

We sat down with Jennifer to talk about movement, health and more. Here’s what she had to say:

Was there a certain experience that brought you to yoga? 

Self healing for sure! It began as a means of self therapy and peace of mind. The personal journey and passion led to a desire to help others find that same solstice and peace within themselves.

How did you discover Yoloha and what do you love about it? 

Yoloha’s founder, Chris, and I grew up in the same town. I used one of the first Yoloha mats made when I owned my first studio. We were more acquaintances back then, but then arrived in Charleston together and our families have grown close. It’s become a deeper friendship. I am inspired by his desire to keep things small, family run and true to giving back and doing the right thing. Supporting business that relies on truth and passion as guiding principles feels in alignment with my own path. And this truly inspires me.

What is your favorite Yoloha Product and why?

This is a hard question because there are SO many. I use the Unity mat daily, I’m newly discovering the yoga wheel and of course blocks are always an added bonus. Our whole family uses yoloha water bottles and my kids have their names engraved which is a sweet, personalized addition.

Talk about one connection you make between your asana practice and your life off of your mat. 

Our bodies are filled with cellular memory. When we move and connect from a visceral place, we begin to receive Information from our bodies. This information is wisdom that our bodies know, deep inside. Yoga helps me stay connected to that deep wisdom within. It keeps me authentic. It keeps me living my truth. Yoga allows me to live & love more fully, everyday.

What mantra do you live by? 

“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

Talk about something that challenges you.

Everyday living challenges me the most. I’ve traveled the world. I’ve attended numerous trainings, workshops, retreats- led probably just as many trainings, workshops and retreats. Learning and being with myself in a bubble is easy. The application to everyday living is where things get sticky. It’s the patience, the routines, the busy schedules and daily life that creates challenge because it takes skill & concentration to keep coming back to purpose. Life’s purpose. I am a big advocate for fighting the fight. Living on purpose, with intention, meaning, heart and love. It’s one moment at a time. One breath. One action. One love.

When do you feel like you are being your true self? 

When I give myself permission to be authentic, have fun and truly BE in the moment. Breath is a huge part of this too- steadiness and the capacity to pause and reflect without reaction. True self can surface as yoga on my mat, teaching the skills to students and sharing wine with friends. Truth is an essence I feel deep within. 

Keep up with Jen 


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