yoloha life blog
A curated guide to yoga, wellness, health and more.
Artist Feature: Jenn Griffith
Meet Jenn Griffith, the artist behind our new Native Palms print, launched with our Yoloha x Nectar Sunglasses collaboration.
Inspire Your Home Practice
Whether you are new to yoga and looking to start your practice or a lifelong yogi seeking to maintain motivation, here are some ways you...
Artist Feature: Eleonora Tomassi
Meet Yoloha’s Balance and Unity artist, Eleonora Tomassi.
Take the Leap!
Considering starting a business in a pandemic? Here are the top 5 things to remember when taking the leap.
Back Decompression With a Yoga Wheel
Decompress your back with our cork yoga wheels! In this blog, Dakota of Mays Yoga will be demonstrating 5 poses with variations using the yoga wheel to...
Moon Salutation: Chandra Namaskar
Chandra Namaskar, or Moon Salutation, was created in respects to female bodies and cycles while also complimenting Surya Namaskar, or sun salutations.